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The LBS platform consists of all the core components we have developed for LBS applications. Those components are the building blocks of our applications and have been licensed to 3rd parties for their LBS applications.

A Google like tile map client for J2ME, Android, or BREW enabled cell phones. Since the tiles are cached inside the mobile, it provides better performance than a simple raster based map client.

Instead of rendering the map at server and downloading it to the client, map data is download to the mobile and the vector map engine at client renders the map. The vector map data has smaller size and contains all the map attributes. It is stored locally as a base map to allow selective updates without downloading the entire map.

User interfaces: Menu, Forms, Popup, Toolbar.
Networking: IP, HTTP, XML, SMS, Call Management, Bluetooth.
GPS: Location Fix.
Miscellaneous: Scheduling, Multi Threads.
Security: Encryption, Hashing, Authentication.     

Mapping is essential for LBS applications. Instead of licensing the engine from a 3rd party, we have our own mapping engine to support raster, tile, and vector mapping. The engine supports different clients including mobile, web, and standalone Java applications. 
Our technology profiles...

J2ME based mapping for mobiles
BREW based vector mapping for mobiles
Mapping server for vector map clients
Mapping server for tile map clients
Mobile based GPS tracking
Tracking systems for vehicles
SMS based tracking systems
Personalized maps 
CRM, Alert, Scheduling, and Messaging

Potential services...

Safety and security

  • Panic notification
  • Geofencing
  • Where am I
  • Location finding
  • Location based alerts
  • Traffic alerts
  • Sales alerts
  • Vehicle door, speed, location alerts
  • Public notification
  • Friends and circle
  • Location sharing
  • Favorite places
  • Points of Interest
  • Cafes and their menus
  • Movies
  • Libraries
  • Enterprise
  • Mobile force management
  • Asset tracking
  • Pet finder
  • Taxi dispatches


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